After two youth speakers, a long (and good) musical number, and Susan's awesome talk, I didn't really have much time left so I kind of ad-libbed for 5 minutes and used parts of my talk (even though I had actually written it all out this time) - so I figured I should be able to share all the hard work somewhere . . . maybe this post will balance out my usually picture heavy posts!?!
My talk:
Born Again in Christ
When we were deciding on whether or not to move we made a list of pros and cons. The inevitable "give talks in the new ward" was on that list - I won't tell you which side of the paper it was on, but it was there. For me, since I'm not as shy as Susan, I don't know why it is so difficult - probably because it isn't a common occurence - but I really think it is because of the lack of back and forth communication like there is when giving a lesson in Elders' quorum or even Gospel Doctrine- however, in preparing for this talk I realized that there should be communication - it may not be verbal, but I look forward to getting to know you spiritually by being able to share during a sacrament meeting. I ask you to pray and listen with your spirits today so that I may feel this communication. Oh, and eye contact is helpful too.
I know that for me the phrase "born again" has brought to mind thoughts of fanatical modern day Christians who like to "witness" and talk of their day of pentecost where speaking in tongues was a loud and wild experience and where they are told that all they have to do is believe and they will be saved - born again for them is THE DAY that they changed their outlook on life by starting to think of Christ in all that they do. I didn't know why this phrase bothered me - it seemed a good thing - much better than the alternative of not caring or worse, mocking the whole concept of religion or even faith. In Elder D Todd Christofferson's conference address in May of this year he outlined the process (not the event) of being Born Again in order to help us as members of the Church to not only accept this phrase, but to know how to live it.
Specifically, Elder Cristofferson shares of an experience where he was invited by a retired minister to sit down and talk and the minister then privately shared his concern for the welfare of Elder Cristofferson's soul - this surprised him, but he realized it was out of true interest based on that minister's faith in Christ. He took advantage of the time to share their common beliefs as well as scriptures from the Book of Mormon. The end result was a discussion about being born again - more specifically, having a physical AND a spiritual baptism as taught by the Savior in John, chapter 3, verse 5.
I want to share some of the main observations and revelations that Elder Cristofferson gave and relate them through some of my own experiences and those of others. One point made by him is that "divine power" is needed in addition to our own action in order for us to be "born again" and receive of the spiritual baptism after our physical baptism. What a wonderful thing it is to be able to physically go into the water, something so simple yet divine, and be baptized. I remember my own baptism in an above ground swimming pool in someone's backyard in Sandy, Utah, during a rainstorm. I had the privelege of baptizing my son TJ almost 2 years ago and helping him overcome his fear of the water. There were numerous opportunities for me to baptize the loving and faithful people on my mission in Chile - where all we had to do was invite people to physically manifest their faith in Christ by entering the waters of baptism. But, the "divine power" Elder Cristofferson mentions comes after the physical commitment we make with baptism and it is up to us how we receive it. I specifically remember the feeling of weightlessness as well as . . . a tingling, a power, that went to my fingers and toes from my head as my Father confirmed me a member of the Church and gave me the Holy Ghost. I felt those same physical manifestations of the spirit as I participated in TJ's confirmation and those new members in Chile. But . . . why haven't I viewed those as being Born Again?
Another point made by Elder Cristofferson is that the remarkable examples from the scriptures of people like Alma the younger who was rebuked by and Angel before spending 3 days learning and repenting and having a great manifestation of divine power in answer to his father, Almas prayers; and the people of King Benjamin who listened to his discourses and decided to covenant with God and felt "no more disposition to do evil, but do good continually" - that these are not typical examples of being born again. They are remarkable and they do teach us things like: not just the importance of repentance, but the process as Alma went through and the possibility of uniting in good causes as the people of King Benjamin did. Elder Cristofferson states: " For most of us, the changes are more gradual and occur over time. Being born again, unlike our physical birth, is more a process than an event." When I read this I sighed as I had been thinking - ok, if being "Born Again" is what I experienced at age 8 in my cousins' house with all my uncles giving confirming me, then I've really messed up since then because I haven't been telling everybody or even just thinking to myself that I've been reborn. The difference for me and I feel for lots of members of Christ's church is that we realize that it is a process. That we are constantly working on changing from our fallen and carnal state - and Elder Cristofferson reminds us that this IS the purpose of mortality - as we as a family recite every Sunday on our way to Church from Moses chapter 1 verse 39 - For behold, this is my work and my glory, to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of men (and women, Heather adds). Just as Elder Cristofferson quotes from 2nd nephi chapter 31 verse 20 - Ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life" This is why we have the covenant of baptism and the renewing of the covenant as we partake of the sacrament each week - so we will be as willing as we were the day we were baptized to want to be clean and the continue in the always difficult task of rebirth - forgiving our selves and asking for forgiveness. The final point made by Elder Cristofferson is this - that after the first 2 "rebirths" - by water in baptism and by the spirit through confirmation and the manifestations of the Holy Ghost, that we must partake of the cleansing offered by the blood of Christ that was offered for us and the purification of our beings that results so that we may become new creatures.
I want to share what for me was a terrific spiritual story to hear and hopefully will be part of our learning and rebirth process as individuals and as a family. We are in the process of seeking to adopt in order to grow our family. As a part of this we attended an adoption workshop (it was different from any church meeting I've ever been to - I later realized it was probably exactly what Relief Society is like because it was entirely put togheter and presented by women of the church and they had prepared everything so well. I just felt that the communication was a quickening of the spirit as they communicated their thoughts and feelings with such eloquence) where a young woman who gave up her baby for adoption shared her story with us. I'd like to read her words about the rebirth she experienced as a result of giving birth and giving her baby to someone else:
depending on time
SHORT - start at "As I held my baby, my Justin . . .
LONG - People often don't understand or "BUT TAMRA, you could have . . .
(this is a really cool story written by a 17 year old birth mom that ends with her acknowledging she was born (spiritually) along with her son she gave up for adoption)
Hers was an example of a literal birth helping her to put the Lord's will first - in the way of the natural man. What I really learned from this example was the difference in terminology in the adoption process between "natural child" and "adopted child" - I thought of the Natural man being an enemy to God and realized that being Born Again means that we are all seeking to become adopted children of our Heavenly Father through our Faith in the Grace and Love of Jesus Christ and by employing his atonement in our lives. We've been blessed to have our parents here in mortality, or at least ourselves in situations where we have received the gospel and the covenants and outward ordinances - but it is up to us to seek our personal rebirth and reconnect with our Father in Heaven - and that we can and must do it on a continual basis.
Depending on Time -
I'm grateful for the upbringing I've had - my patriarchal blessing reaffirms for me the purposes the Lord has for me and the importance of my decisions and the importance of teaching my children as they have an important work to do. Just as Susan shared about standing as a witness - we must achieve our status as being born again, not just by the end of our mortal lives, but much earlier so that we can help our children and our spiritual brothers and sisters in this world to overcome the natural man. I'm grateful for the basic learning experiences that I can share with others that help me to remember and repent so I can try to put off the natural man.
I ad libbed this in and discussed the essence of death in being born again:
Heather snuck downstairs earlier this week and was upset that we had discussed "D-e-a-t-h" and she said that she'd been worrying about it and couldn't fall asleep - when I reminded her that we had talked about how we live after death and it is ok and we should be happy - she replied, yeah, but daddy - don't you ever think that what if somebody just made all of that up? How grateful I am that she is asking and sharing thoughts like that with me right now to give me the opportunity to receive revelation and help her learn now- words from Heavenly Father left my mouth in a reassuring tone before I knew what I was saying as I encouraged her to go and say a prayer and ask Heavenly Father if what we had learned about "d-e-a-t-h" was true and how to listen for the answer. I was surprised the next morning (because she had actually stayed in bed and gone to sleep) and she let me know she got an answer and was able to sleep - and the answer was "Y-E-S" - she said he even answered her the way she would say it! :)
Top Ten Tuesday: Ten New-to-Me Authors I'm Hoping to LOVE This Year
It's been a couple weeks since I've participated in my favorite weekly
meme, and I've missed it and all of my TTT friends! It's good to be back.
4 days ago
Thank you for sharing your talk and thoughts. It has been a spiritual experience for me to read this post. I love you, MOM
Wow!! Good job, Eric. When we're just hanging out at your house, we really don't get to see this side of you. Thanks for sharing such spiritual insights. Julie
Our first talk in our ward was cancelled because of snow. And since it was about Chirstmas, we never had to give it at all.
You did a good job, though.
That was wonderful. You did a great job. And I just love that story about Heather!
I'm glad you posted your talk here, since I didn't get to hear most of it in Sacrament Meeting. I'm not sure why the kids suddenly needed to go potty when they saw Daddy get up on the stand???
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