So, alot has happened recently . . . and there is more to come. I just felt like I should get some of it down so that we'll remember this fun time in life:
1. The move has gone well - we're almost done, I just keep waiting for it to cool off before going back to the old house to get the hammock, water barrels, and random garage stuff . . . if anybody wants the Weider 4900 exercise system in the garage it is yours if you'll come and take it apart (I got lots of exercise putting it together)!
2. I took all 3 kids to "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" on a weeknight while Susan was somewhere. It was fun, except for the part where Toby ate the whole $4 (small) bag of peanut butter M&M's
3. TJ and I went to the Cardinals-Broncos preseason football game. Traffic was horrendous, everybody was drinking, and the seats were too good because the cheerleaders were RIGHT in front of us and they were distracting . . . but we had a good time at our first NFL game. Don't know if we ever need to go back, though - oh, and the Cardinals lost.
4. Monsoon season is awesome at our new house - I love watching the lightning storms across the valley and FEELING the thunder!
5. TJ and I went to a Diamondbacks-Cardinals game. The Dbacks got toasted (what else is new lately) but we had a blast with Grandpa, too! TJ got his ceremonial rice krispie treat and I got the best deal at the ballpark - Panda Express!
6. We've been swimming, too - TJ even jumped in this evening to help clean out the pool and Heather let him know that he broke the Sabbath!
7. Susan and I celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary by watching fireworks at Central Christian Church. That was nice of them to celebrate US! We rented, but haven't watched the movie "The Queen" yet - it's about Princess Diana who died while we were having our wedding reception :)
8. The kids have a new favorite place - the LIBRARY! They actually beg on Saturdays for Susan to take them and both TJ and Heather are self proclaimed bookworms.
9. Toby is anxiously awaiting and constantly asking for bike rides and going on the boat - so I need to get the garage cleaned up and organized after everything was just thrown in as we were moving.
10. We're now working on the adoption profile - we're state certified and the new pool is getting a fence installed tomorrow - so we're ready for another member of our family!