If you've been reading Susan's blog you already know about this. Toby likes buttons. He likes the buttons on the gas heater for the spa. He went swimming on Monday night while TJ and I went to Body Worlds III.
So, on Wednesday evening after I cut and edged the grass, I went straight for the pool to jump in
and cool off. Since it was to be my first official jump into the BIG pool this season, I expected to be "chilled" a little bit. Well, it felt like a big bathtub as soon as I hit the water. Now sometimes, the water nearer the surface is very warm. That's what I started rationalizing, anyways. Then - I wiggled my feet down below to try and find the cool water - there was none. Before I could keep thinking about it I noticed there was a (still alive) bird in the pool. So I hopped out to get the long pole with the net on the end to scoop it out. When I came back it swam/flopped/flew right into the skimmer on the side of the pool. So, I went to open the lid where the catch basket is to try and get the bird out because I didn't want to have to scoop a dead bird out later. It hopped right out. Then my mind went back to the water issue. I realized right away what had happened and now I happened to be standing right next to the heater. I turned around, opened the control panel lid and saw it - the light next to "spa" was on and the thermostat was set to 94 degrees (no wonder the bird was going swimming).
So, for the previous two days, whenever the pool pump automatice timer was on (8 hours/day), the heater was on too (unless of course it got all 14,000 gallons heated up, then I'm sure it shut down for a little while). We'll see what the gas bill damage is at the beginning of June :(
In the meantime - I made the kids come out and go swimming with me since THEY like it warm. I sat on the side of the pool and just watched - hoping a breeze would cool me off from the lawn mowing (and the heater discovery).
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