Saturday, December 08, 2007

Weapons of Mass Destruction

TJ was a very good boy today - he helped clean up the house, went on errands with me, and put up with his little brother and sister. Susan had a trip to the museum planned with Heather, so TJ figured he wanted to go to a museum, too. I told him to google "Mesa airplane museum" because I knew there was one (he was suddenly interested in airplanes because the tv was on Discovery HD Theater with a special about the new "Euro-fighter"). He found the website - - and read all about it and made sure I knew how to get there and what the hours were. I was happy to get Toby out of the house because he was literally being a weapon of mass destruction. The hangars of airplanes were lots of fun even though we weren't quite dressed warm enough for a day when the high didn't even reach 60 degrees. TJ was most thrilled that he actually got to touch a missile!

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