Monday, September 08, 2008

FHE Sugar Cookies

Obviously JUST what the kids needed - sugar! Tonight they got a lesson about family resources, sang some songs, and experienced not one, but TWO of Toby's "story prayers" where he talks to Heavenly Father about his day (and his messy room). Then they got to go swimming where we found out that Heather is super ticklish and can't wait for Whitney to come hang out with her in the swing. We all enjoyed using the Disney Princess napkins for our treat - sugar cookies!
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tarable said...

Holy posting, Batman! Aaron & I have been enjoying your plethora of posts lately - since we don't get to see you guys in person...

Glad the move went well, call us once things settle down.

j said...

Uhmmmm, that looks yummyyyyy : )

Laurel said...

I love the kids faces. Priceless!

Susie said...

Hey Eric I will definately take you up on your offer to introduce me to some dentist when I get out of dental hygiene school! I forgot that you had that connection. When are you guys going to have an open house to show off your new place?